Allied Wealth, a division of Insurance Exchange, is an independent agency headed by 2 senior professionals with over 50 years’ experience assisting seniors with making safe money retirement planning decisions. Our principal concern is assisting clients to eliminate unnecessary risks while planning for a successful financial future. We have access to numerous resources, multiple certifications, and experienced knowledge to provide to our family of clients. We strive to ensure their clients program is the best fit for them to accomplish their goals. We appreciate the individuals that choose to work with us like they are own family.

Income Strategy Session:

Our main goal with our strategy sessions is to evaluate and design a plan that allows you to continue living the lifestyle you desire to live with the nest-egg you have built. We believe that a solid retirement income strategy is the best way to have that assurance – for everyone.

The majority of our clients fall into one or more of the categories:

- Social Security

- 401K Planning


- Long Term Care

- Annuity

- Retirment Planning

Our agency is one of the exculsive members of, an educational finance site that has been featured on media outlets reaching over 84 million households in the US. Google ranks them as the #1 online resource for safe financial strategies. You can visit my personal page and access hundreds of articles, ebooks, and other educational resources at no cost to you.

Help determine which category you fall into on our Safe Money Members Only Page

Determine Your Strategy and Reach out to us.

Preferred Agent

Office Address

2752 Pleasant Rd

Fort Mill, SC 29708

2752 Pleasant Rd Suite 104, Fort Mill, SC 29708, USA

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